Aviation: QEI evaluated the construction impacts of a complete reconstruction of the main parking apron and developed a staged construction plan to keep portions of the apron available for aircraft use and provide access to the always-fueling pumps. QEI provided the design of temporary erosion control measures; removal of existing pavements; excavation and disposal of excess cut material off-site; installation of base course and drainage layer materials, PCC pavement, bituminous base, and surface course, and of underdrains and structures; placement of pavement markings; and topsoiling, seeding, and mulching in disturbed areas.
Environmental Studies & Permitting: QEI also provided NEPA documentation for the apron plans, with final approval being a CATEX approved through the Illinois Division of Aeronautics and FAA. QEI also performed pavement design by utilizing FAARFIELD software. QEI submitted preliminary and final plans, specifications, and estimates for the project, along with a construction time estimate.
Construction Inspection: QEI provided inspection, field testing of materials, and project documentation during project construction.
Surveying: QEI provided survey services, including locating NGS monumentation on the airport property and establishing additional control based on those NGS monuments. Conducted topographic surveys of runway 7-25 and the lighting associated with the runway and conducted topographic surveys for the main parking apron, including the location of all planer tie-downs, and all fiber optic lines on site.
Client: City of Rochelle
Location: Rochelle, IL
Construction Cost: $1,223,609