QEI was the sole designer on the project and performed field surveys, prepared right-of-way plats, and prepared construction documents for this project. The design included roadway design, multi-use path design, geometric design, pavement layout, earthwork, signing and stripping, drainage, and erosion control. QEI coordinated the design with IDOT, the City of Rockton, the I&M Railroad, and various utility companies. The biggest challenge was designing ADA-compliant sidewalks for bicycle/pedestrian accommodations, including implementing the Complete Streets Policy and access to 100-year-old buildings. The distance from the curb to the building was less than 10 feet in many locations. The other challenge QEI met was maintaining vehicle access on the roadway while the new roadway was under construction.
Client: Illinois Department of Transportation, District 2
Location: Rockton, Winnebago County, Illinois
Construction Cost: $9.3 million
This project received a 2020 ACEC Merit Award.