Surveying: Established up to 75 ground control points to support the photogrammetric mapping. Tie horizontal coordinates to the State Plane Illinois West, NAD83 (US Feet) Coordinate System. The vertical datum for the project is NAVD88.
Traffic Studies: Conducted a crash analysis within the anticipated project limits of proposed grade separations and existing rail/roadway grade crossings. Defined the future scope of work needed to perform the hydraulic analysis, including data collection and coordination meetings.
Hydraulic Studies: Performed concept drainage studies for selected segments of the alternatives. Identified drainage issues, analyzed existing drainage conditions, and prepared and developed proposed drainage plans. I was focused on areas where significant realignment and widening is expected. The concept drainage report was prepared in an abbreviated format.
Environmental Studies & Permitting: Performed Water Resource Surveys. Performed field water resources inventory and analysis on the Missouri section, including surface water resources inventory, wetland delineation, and public water supply. Quigg provided water resources and ecology analysis for the EIS based upon studies performed by the Illinois Natural History Survey and managed a mussel survey conducted by a sub-consultant for the Mississippi River at the potential river crossing locations within the project corridor. The results were described in the EIS by Quigg scientists.
QEI also performed Air Quality Analysis, Project Administration, Reporting, and Invoicing, Participated in Group Team Meetings, and Quality Control/Quality Assurance for QEI work.
Client: Illinois Department of Transportation, Bureau of Railroads
Location: Madison/St. Clair County
Estimated Total Project Cost: $544,499