Location: Various Counties in Illinois
Client: Illinois Department of Transportation, Bureau of Railroads
QEI performed several task orders on this project.
Construction Inspection: QEI provided construction inspection of the new rail and concrete tie placement by the Track Renewal Train (TRT) between Elkhart, IL, and Joliet, IL. Inspected ballast placement to the surface along the new rail being placed by the TRT, including using Regulators, Under Cutter, and High Rail equipment. Observed the assembly and placement of turnouts between Elkhart, IL, and Joliet, IL, including rail and tie installation and inspection of rails being welded together. Inspected the assembly and placement of an onsite paneled rail in Bloomington, IL, in front of the Amtrak Station. Inspected the placement of temporary crossings with crossing detector loops and added crossing gates. QEI also inspected and installed new signals for Pontiac, IL, siding, the protective safety fence placement, and the permanent crossing placement in Dwight, which included new storm drain placements and installation.
Environmental: QEI confirmed the presence of threatened and endangered species, determined wetland boundaries, conducted tree surveys, documented structures more significant than 50 years old, and developed sections of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Environmental Assessment (EA) to meet Federal Railroad Association (FRA) and NEPA requirements. QEI also conducted the project’s tree mitigation planting site at Funks Grove, Illinois, and inspected all trees to ensure the correct species specified in the contract were planted according to the tree mitigation agreement. In addition, QEI attended meetings with the FRA to present study results and discuss NEPA strategies.
*Finalist for Bentley Systems 2012 Be Inspired Award in Innovation in Rail and Transit
Surveying: QEI established horizontal and vertical control at various grade railroad crossings along the HSR Corridor. A topographic survey was conducted to design new approaches for the crossings. Drafted the survey data and prepared DTMs for the clients’ use. Also performed horizontal and vertical control, topographic surveys for multiple sites in Tier 3 and 4 for the design and placement of fencing along the corridor, and prepared drawings showing the existing conditions and the survey and analysis of the railroad Right-of-Way along the corridor, as well as plats of survey. The efforts included coordination with utility companies, particularly the Fiber Optic utilities present along the railroad corridor, and surveying the utilities within the railroad corridor to establish 3D locations of those utilities. The project required the preparation of drawings showing the existing topo and utility conditions and the survey and analysis of the railroad Right-of-Way along the corridor.
Roadway: QEI prepared the roadway plans, specifications, and estimates for the relocation and reconstruction of the intersection of FAU 7969 (Ridgely Ave) and FAU 8031 (N. 11th St / Factory St) in the City of Springfield. The design included raising the profile of Ridgely Avenue and realigning N. 11th Street and Factory Street Intersection to provide a safety improvement for the railroad grade crossing to accommodate the future Chicago to St. Louis High-Speed Rail corridor. The work included pavement removal and replacement, sidewalk improvements, curb and gutter improvements, entrance improvements, earthwork grading, open and closed drainage system improvements, landscaping, maintenance of traffic, and erosion control.
Utility Coordination: QEI provided the Utility Coordinator for Union Pacific Railroad High-Speed Design Chicago to St. Louis, Tiers 1-6. QEI coordinated with multiple municipalities, interpreted data from utility companies, and drew into design files.
Start Date: May 2016 End Date: August 2019