Environmental Studies & Permitting

  • Alton to STL High Speed Rail

    Alton to St. Louis High Speed Rail, IDOT Bureau of Railroads

    Surveying: Established up to 75 ground control points to support the photogrammetric mapping. Tie horizontal coordinates to the State Plane…

  • Rochelle Airport

    Apron R/1 Reconstruction, City of Rochelle

    Aviation: QEI evaluated the construction impacts of a complete reconstruction of the main parking apron and developed a staged construction…

  • Ameren NPDES Stormwater Compliance

    NPDES Stormwater Compliance, Ameren

    QEI prepared Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and Notice of Intent (NOI) Construction General Permit (CGP) documents for over 30…

  • MetroLink, Under Construction

    Light Rail Extension, St. Clair County Transit District

    QEI conducted environmental services, including wetland surveys on approximately 439 acres of the project site, which included wetlands and waters…

  • Waste Removal

    EMS Program – Central Waste Management, IDOT

    QEI coordinated and managed the pickup and disposal of chemical wastes and roadside debris at IDOT maintenance and storage yards…

  • M5 Maintenance Facility, IL Tollway

    M5 Maintenance Facility, IL Tollway

    QEI completed tree identification surveys, wetland delineations, and an assessment of potential habitat for threatened and endangered species, including the…

  • Elgin O’Hare West Bypass, U.S. Route 20 to IL Route 83, Illinois Tollway

    Elgin O’Hare West Bypass, U.S. Route 20 to IL Route 83, Illinois Tollway

    Project Management: Entered a mentor-protégé relationship with URS on this project. QEI’s initial goal was to be better prepared to…

  • MLB

    I-294 (Tri-State Tollway) Mile Long Bridge Reconstruction, Illinois Tollway

    QEI was a Joint Venture Partner that planned and designed a $360M replacement of the 4,940-foot long, 54-span, dual Tollway…
