QEI conducted environmental services, including wetland surveys on approximately 439 acres of the project site, which included wetlands and waters of the United States (WOUS) associated with Silver Creek and Little Silver Creek. QEI prepared the Wetland Delineation Report, with preliminary WOUS jurisdictional determinations, for submittal to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). Also prepared the wetlands section of the NEPA document (and accompanying exhibits) that describes the delineated wetlands, avoidance measures, and minimization and mitigation of impacts for alternative screening; prepared the water quality section of the NEPA document that includes describing the surface waters, pollutants of concern, avoidance measures to minimize impacts on water quality, and Best Management Practices for construction and post-construction activities. QEI also Prepared the NEPA document section for permitting, including Clean Water Act (CWA) Permits (USACE Section 404 permit, IEPA Section 401 Water Quality Permit), National Pollutant Discharge Permits (ILR 10 Construction General Permit, and the ILR 40 MS4 Small Municipal Separate Storm Water Permit); and the IDNR OWR floodway permits. Prepared the Section 404 joint permit application package. QEI also conducted erosion and sediment control plans and stormwater pollution prevention plans.
Client: St. Clair County Transit District
Location: St. Clair County, IL
Design Fee: $241,000